Video Time Stamp Tool


A tool for volunteers to time stamp sections of Tom’s videos that relate to specific topics and link these sections with fitting and helpful tags and their relevance. The goal is to make the wealth of videos with Tom more accessible for everybody in general and for people looking for answers to one specific question in particular.

This project has moved to a phase where it now needs volunteers for tagging videos. (But addtional developers to further optimize the tool are of course still very welcome as well)

You can take a look at the tool in the form of a well tested beta version here:

Should you want to be a part of the volunteer teams tagging Tom’s videos, you can either first watch this video with Vanessa and Tom talking about the project or join directly by sending an email to

If you want to see what’s already available code wise, you can check the following link to the respective repository on github:

Should you happen to be a developer and interested in sharing your development resources with the team, the best would be to contact the main developer Justin directly at