Translations of the My Big TOE Trilogy are completed or still in progress for various languages. This project aims to support all the translators by offering an exchange about the parts in the book which are a bit more difficult to interpret or share the answers provided by Tom personally to specific paragraphs to ideally avoid asking him redundant questions.
In addition we’ve produced a package (zip-container) containing the book cover and all the figures (graphics) used in the trilogy (see the icons to the right as a literally small example) in an editable form.
(If translating the books might be a bit too large a task (which is fully understandable considering the size of the trilogy), but you want to join a team of people translating Tom’s videos on YouTube or want to support the launch of the new official mutil-language website by translating parts of it into your native language, then please do contact us (you can find the contact details below) as well.)